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On April 19th, the first TEMPOINVASIONS meeting took place at the CEAB-CSIC facilities! Marc Rius and Sandra Nogué are the principal investigators working on the project. With them Erik de Boer, who is a PostDoc working for Sandra in CREAF and Elena Baños who is doing her PhD thesis with both IPs.

  1. Training on how to use CleanLAB at CEAB and discussion of ancestral eDNA extraction protocol.

  2. Discussion about the next field campaign in south Spain (Cadiz Bay looks promising). Also,considering sites in northern Spain ( Rías de Galicia too) .

  3. Agreeing on protocol of how to sub-sample the sedimentary sequences.

  4. Discussion on the amount of sample required for each of the methods and analysis we'll do.

Picture of the coffee break at the CEAB-CSIC centre and of the CleanLab training.

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