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C-14, Pb-210, Cs-137

Sediment Radiochronology


~150yr ago - 60.000yr ago

A carbon-based life form continuously incorporates carbon throughout its life. When an organism dies, it stops absorbing new 14C and the existing isotope decays according to its characteristic half-life. The proportion of 14C remaining when the remains of the organism are examined provides an indication of the time elapsed since its death.

Pb210 and Cs132

Dating with Pb210 or Cs132 makes possible the dating of samples younger than 100yr.

It is a natural radioactive element with a half-life of about 20 years, which allows dating of sediments up to about 100 years old.


Ancient eDNA

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A new field: Metapaleogenomics

New NGS technologies such as metabarcoding and metagenomics approaches have recently gained more power in molecular environmental biology, but they have been poorly used to study the metazoa diversity in ancient marine records. 


Metabarcoding is the identification of the community composition via analysis of the sequences of barcode marker genes and metagenomics is the analysis of the collective genomes of the community. These two methods provide direct access to the enormous genetic diversity of the of soil and have become an essential part of many soil biology studies. Most of these studis have been made for identifying microorganisms presence in the soil, only a few studies have been made with eukaryotic species and any of them where made with a temporal serie. We pretend to describe a new field for this new techniques, the metapaleogenomics applied to invasive species.
In our study we will be able to analyze a 313bp section of the standard DNA barcoding region of the cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) gene using primers described in Leray, et al.; and for metagenomics a variable length target of the V4 nuclear small subunit ribosomal DNA of 18S gene using primers from Amaral-Zettler et al. Tese two primer sets allow for broad characterisation of marine metazoan diversity. 

Biogeochemical Composition

X-Ray Fluorescence Core Scanner (XRF-CS) analysis and C/N isotopes analysis

Isotops C/N & XRF scanner

For about thirty years now, technology has allowed the development of non-destructive analysis tools for the determination of the elemental chemical composition of sediments, such as X-ray fluorescence core scanners (XRF-CS) (Jansen et al., 1998; Richter et al., 2006). These equipment allow the elemental chemical composition of the sediments to be obtained very quickly in a continuous, non-destructive, high-resolution and relatively low-cost manner (Frigola et al., 2015; Cerdà-Domènech et al. ., 2020). 



In the analysis, the sediment is excited by incident X-radiation, from an Oxford Rhodium X-ray source (4-50 kV), the excitation causes the ejection of electrons from the innermost atomic shells , consequently the electrons located in the outer layers change configuration to more internal layers, where the residual energy is emitted in the form of secondary X-radiation (Rothwell & Rack., 2006). The wavelength of the secondary radiation presents a characteristic energy spectrum for each atom of each element, this allows its recognition and the estimation of the relative abundance of specific elements.




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